As reported by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp has started rolling out the feature to create and share AI stickers. The feature is presently available only for Android beta testers and it comes with update version
WhatsApp’s AI sticker feature
The report reveals that after installing the update, Android beta testers will notice a new ‘Create’ button when they open the keyboard within the sticker tab. When selecting this option, the user will be prompted to enter a description used to generate a sticker. WhatsApp will present a set of AI stickers generated by the description previously entered, and the user can share which sticker to share in the conversation.
“You’re always in control over stickers generated by AI: in case you think a sticker is inappropriate or harmful, you can report it to Meta. In addition, it’s important to note that this feature is optional and those AI stickers are easily recognisable. This means that the recipient may understand when a sticker has been generated by the AI technology from Meta,” mentions the report.
As mentioned above the feature is presently available only for the beta testers and is soon expected to roll out for all the users.
WhatsApp gets screen sharing feature
Following an extensive beta testing phase that spanned nearly a couple of months, WhatsApp has officially introduced the Screen Share feature to its global user community. This functionality, as the name implies, empowers users to share their phone and PC screens with others while engaged in video calls. It’s important to emphasize that certain types of content remain ineligible for sharing, and WhatsApp has diligently implemented multiple security measures to ensure the protection of user privacy.
Moreover, a new landscape mode has been integrated by the company. In contrast to the conventional portrait mode, the landscape mode provides a broader and more expansive perspective of the video call interface. Enabling this mode enables call participants to comfortably view a greater number of individuals on the screen simultaneously, significantly enriching the overall video call experience.