It’s over! León takes the win and qualifies for the Liguilla.
Leon is saved! Santos tried to score the third, but the ball hit the crossbar.
Lucas Romero is lying on the field, when Preciado tries to shoot, he ends up hitting the player who was falling.
Seven minutes are added to the match.
Goal, goal, goal for Santos! Preciado appeared inside the area, controlled and scored the second.
Santos looking to generate on goal, Leon pulled back.
Changes in Leon. Alvarado, Viñas and Mena are replaced by Rodríguez, Rubio and Fernández.
Goal, goal, goal for Santos! Alan Cervantes pops up inside the box to score the first.
Santos changes. Rivaldo and Govea are replaced by Muñoz and López.
Santos dominates the match, but is unable to reach the opponent’s goal to score.
Correa’s powerful shot, but the ball goes over the goal.
Change of Leon. Bellón is replaced by Hernández.
Frías was looking for his fourth of the night, but did not manage to hit the ball.
He’s leaving the meeting! After receiving a second yellow for a foul on Prieto, the referee sends Ambríz out of the match.
Goal, goal, goal by Leon! Viñas appeared again, Acevedo missed the ball and the third goal was scored.
The action resumes for the second half.
Change of Santos. Medina replaces Vergara.
At the end of the first half, León is momentarily in the lead.
Santos looks to generate up front, but Cota has no danger in his goal.
Goal, goal, goal by Leon! Powerful right-footed shot from Ambríz to Acevedo’s goal, the goalkeeper can’t prevent the ball from going in.
Brunetta’s shot, but the ball goes wide.
A powerful shot by Iván Moreno, but the ball is saved by Acevedo.
Quite a lively match, the ball goes from one goal to the other.
Goal, goal, goal by Leon! Powerful header by Frías, Acevedo flies, but fails to clear the ball.
Center which Viñas fails to hit correctly, missing a clear one.
A back-and-forth match, both teams are looking for the opponent’s goal.
Viñas’ shot ends up deflected into the stands.
The game kicks off between León and Santos.
Acevedo; Prieto, Govea, Torres, Campos; Cervantes, Aquino; Vergara, Brunetta, Emerson Rodríguez; Preciado
Cota; Moreno, Adonis Frías, Tesillo, Rodríguez; Hernández, Romero, Ambríz, Mena; Viñas, Alvarado
The fans are already doing their part, with supporters from both teams going all out to support.
Leon has to pay close attention to Harold Preciado, the current goal scoring champion will go all out to help his team continue to score goals and help them go through.
There is just under an hour to go until the start of this important match, which will define the last member of the Liguilla.
Federico Viñas is the one in whom Santos has wu. Pay close attention, the Esmeralda player is the one who has pulled the strings at the top of the squad, he will look to continue on this course.
The last time León and Santos faced each other was on Matchday 10 at the TSM, when the Emeralds won by two goals to nil.
With the result of this match, the eight members of the Liguilla for the Apertura 2023 will be defined. This will kick off in midweek.
We’re back for minute-by-minute coverage of the match between León and Santos. We will shortly share with you the most relevant information, as well as the confirmed lineups.
In a few moments we will share with you the starting lineups for León vs Santos live, in addition to the most recent information that emerges from the León Stadium. Don’t miss any details of the match with the minute by minute and live online from VAVEL.
Acevedo; Prieto, Govea, Torres, Campos; Aquino, Cervantes; Vergara, Brunetta, Emerson Rodríguez; Valued
Sanchez; Chávez, Domínguez, Sanabria; Güemez, Dourado; Damm, Villalpando. Sales-lamonge; Bonatini
The León vs Santos match will be played at the León Stadium, located in León, Guanajuato. The property has a capacity for 18,000 people.
Welcome to the minute by minute of the León vs Santos match live, this match corresponds to the Play-In of the Apertura 2023 of the MX League. The match will take place at the León Stadium at 8:06 p.m.
“A very tough game, as they all are, for all the teams. The ten best teams are playing and it is the finals.”
“We went through some nervousness and anxiety because if they tied you had to go to penalties, but I think we were closer to third than they were to a tie.”
“I think the result is fair and there are many things to highlight about the team, above all, the dedication and that regardless of the advantage, we defended ourselves by looking for the third goal and not getting inside our goal.”
“Pedro came out with a muscle discomfort in the back area, we knew that we were taking a risk due to the closeness of his last match with the Peruvian National Team, the same with Félix in the Ecuadorian National Team. It should be noted that both of them wanted to play and were “They are the ones who encouraged us.”
“(Félix) also played in the series we had, looking back, in fourteen days we played five games, that is not normal, and against rivals who were more rested.”
“We play again on Sunday and it makes you have a few days of recovery. We will try to recover those who played, we will work tomorrow with those who did not and we will evaluate who are those who did not.”
“We know that we are going to play against a good team, León is going to play in the Champions Cup. They have good players, forwards with goals, a coach who has been on the team for a while and they are locals.”
“I would like to highlight the people who today, even though it was very cold, were present and encouraged the team. This victory is for the people who continue to trust the team and I hope we can continue to give them joy.”