Miguel Denyer, an expatriate British Armed Forces veteran residing in Michigan for the past 18 years, has faced significant health challenges in recent years. Having suffered two strokes and battling severe arthritis from past injuries, Miguel’s life took an unexpected turn.
Approximately five years ago, following his strokes, Miguel Denyer turned to nature photography as a form of therapy and self-discovery. Despite lacking formal education in photography due to time and financial constraints, Miguel’s innate talent shines through his work. His passion for nature photography has become his livelihood, as he now sells prints of his captivating images at various art shows.
Denyer’s portfolio showcases a diverse range of subjects, from birds and mammals to mesmerizing night sky and landscape captures. Each image is a testament to his resilience and unwavering love for the natural world.
Curious to see more of Denyer’s work? Visit his Instagram for a deeper dive into his extraordinary photography journey!
You can find Miguel Denyer on the web:
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