Free and confidential in-home test kits to detect sexually transmitted infections are now available for San Mateo County residents, the county announced Monday.
Home kits available for residents to use include tests for HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and Hepatitis C.
Dr. Vivian Levi, County Health’s STI (sexually transmitted infection) control officer said in a statement that getting tested for infections is “essential to maintaining good health overall.”
“STIs including HIV can be effectively prevented,” Levi said. “The TakeMeHome program makes testing very easy, offers important information in the process, is available in Spanish and can be completed in the privacy of one’s home.”
Residents can order the test kits at, where they can fill out a questionnaire to determine their eligibility. Most sexually active adults 18 and over are eligible to receive the take-home tests. The site also provides instructional videos on how to do the tests at home.
Those already experiencing suspected STI symptoms, however, should contact their primary care physician or the county health office for more urgent treatment options and resources.
The program is funded by the county’s health department, with some additional funding from the state.
Aside from the take-home tests, the county’s health department provides affordable drop-in testing at the Edison STI Clinic in San Mateo on Tuesdays and Thursday from 4-7 p.m. for those without symptoms. People who suspect they may have symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection can drop-in Thursdays from 4-6:30 p.m. on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Those who need HIV prevention treatment, or those already diagnosed with HIV or other STIs, can contact the Edison Clinic directly for more information on what services are available..
The program is currently being implemented in 14 counties across California.