Alia Bhatt recently attended a Gucci event where she was spotted carrying a leather bag and netizens a re not happy. Weeks after release of Poacher, which is a series on animal conservation, netizens are now calling her a hypocrite.
Alia Bhatt has come under social media fire after she was spotted at the Gucci event with a leather bag. On Tuesday, the actress, also the brand ambassador for Gucci, attended an event donning a bossy lady black suit. While her fashion game was on point, the leather bag rather mustered a lot of flak. Netizens were quick to react.
Why is Alia Bhatt’s Leather Bag a Problem?
Alia Bhatt recently released her OTT drama series ‘Poacher.‘ The series is about the murder of elephants and speaks of animal conservation. On the contrary, stepping out with a leather bag made netizens called her a ‘hypocrite.’
The Internet is a space where people are not only quick to react in making things go viral, but also posses skills to dig up information in a jiffy. Soon several people started posting the details of the bag in an endeavour to justify their opinions. On user on X commented, “Rich people and hypocrisy is a match made in heaven!”
Alia Bhatt spotted with with a calf leather bag!!
Rich people and hypocrisy is a match made in heaven!— 💟 (@deeptantalizing) March 6, 2024
There were several harsh comments that soon surfaced. Another user posted, “Animal activist and environmentalist Alia Bhatt promoting Gucci’s leather bag made up of Cow skin.”
Animal activist and environmentalist Alia Bhatt promoting Gucci’s leather bag made up of Cow skin.
Mind you this Shameless hypocrite & her Beef eater husband were chasing clout during Ram mandir inauguration
— V (@Crazen_forever) March 6, 2024
A third said, “aw dearest hypocrite nepo papa ki pari @aliaa08 the producer of “poacher” again proves she couldn’t care a damn less about animals as she promotes calf leather bag 🙈 GO MEDIOCRE ALIA! 😌” (sic). Meanwhile, a reddit user commented, “This could have been avoided by NOT carrying that bag. At least not in public. Be a hypocrite like everyone else, but at least be smart enough to do it behind the camera😭”.
A user by the name laylaa25 posted, “This needs to be amplified louder. I am sick of celebrities and their hypocrisy. On one hand she runs co-exist and produces Poacher. And will proudly flaunt these as clout to get awards. On the other hand, she is using calf leather. Not using but PROMOTING! I am done with these celebs and their “activism”.” (sic)
However, this is not the first time someone has called Bhatt out for carrying leather back. Last year, people spotted her wearing T-shirt promoting saving animals and meanwhile carrying a leather bag.
Alia Bhatt Wore ‘Speak Up For Animals’ Sweatshirt But Carried A Leather Bag, Hypocrisy Much?
— KAJAL MohanSingh KHATRI (@KhatriKaur) September 14, 2023
There are a lot of things that celebrities and public figures advertise for but it is not always necessary that they endorse the idea personally as well.
What are your thoughts on this?