While Radhika donned a color-contrasting lehenga set, Nita, Isha, and Shloka opted for timeless drapes. Radhika stunned in an Anuradha Vakil lehenga set embellished with gold taar and sequin kaarigari, featuring elephant and floral patterns in contrasting orange and pink shades. Her ensemble included a pleated dupatta layered like a Gujarati-style sari pallu, complemented by heavy gold jewelry and a messy hairdo.
Radhika Merchant’s stunning bridal entry wins hearts: Mukesh, Nita & Anant Ambani react!
Meanwhile, Isha and Shloka chose traditional Bandhani saris, with Isha showcasing a light ombre pink and peach chiffon sari adorned with broad embellished gold borders and Shloka wearing a Rimple and Harpreet Bandhani sari adorned with emerald and gold thread embroidery. Nita exuded sophistication in a one-of-a-kind red-gold-silver Kanchipuram silk sari, personalized with the initials of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant.
This elegant affair was the perfect conclusion to Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s grand pre-wedding festivities, which attracted a plethora of A-listers, including business moguls, Bollywood celebrities, and international stars, along with performances by renowned singers like Rihanna, Shreya Ghoshal, Arijit Singh, and Diljit Dosanjh.