Arkansas Highway Covered in Nacho Cheese After Truck Spill

Cans of queso spilled on the highway in Arkansas

Photo: Facebook/Arkansas Department of Transportation

On Wednesday, the Arkansas Department of Transportation shared two photos of a nacho cheese spill with the caption, “Taco Tuesday, anyone? A truck carrying cans of nacho cheese spilled today on I-30 west near Prescott. Things are all clear now and traffic is moving.” And while the first photo showed a mostly cleaned-up highway with traffic still backed up as far as the eye can see, the second photo shows just how bad the spill actually was.

What appears to be hundreds of cans spilled all over the highway, spreading cheesy goodness across both lanes and covering the road in cheese. Understandably, the spill brought traffic to a halt until the spread could be cleaned up. But how do you clean up a nacho cheese spill if there’s no Santitas truck in the area?

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