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Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 6 is out now (Image: LARIAN)
Baldur’s Gate 3 developer Larian has finally made Patch 6 available to download on consoles and Steam. The long-awaited Patch 6 makes an absolute boatload of changes, something that is reflected in its huge 21GB file size. Indeed, Steam users will need 150GB of free space, which is why Larian recommends deleting and re-downloading the game with the new patch installed. As you can see from the patch notes below, the includes new animations, the ability to dismiss recruited companions, new dialogue and a ton of bug fixes.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 6 download notes…
• You can now dismiss a recruited companion from your party while speaking to the companion you want to replace them with.
• When a dialogue triggers automatically, the game will now try to prioritise your avatar character as the main speaker.
• Your partner now has a few different kisses! They’re brand new, unique, and randomised – and we’ve also made improvements to how kisses look across the board, particularly for taller and shorter body types.
• Improved the cinematic scenes in the Elfsong Tavern to feel more intimate when you and your romance partner decide your future together after defeating the Netherbrain.
• Reworked the reflection scenes that take place after wrapping up the defeat of the Netherbrain for characters without romantic partners to better match the scenes for those who do have romantic partners, and to bridge the gap into the epilogue.
• Added a new cinematic scene to support the combat encounter that occurs after you choose whether to side with Nightsong at Sorcerous Sundries or not.
• If you sit on the stool in Shadowheart’s camp corner, she will now react to you with a line based on your relation with her.
• Added new idle animations for some companions at camp, including:
– Lae’zel: Studying a githyanki disc.
– Minthara: Contemplating a skull, tending to mushrooms, expressing violence, adjusting her armour, plotting her future, and being bothered by the sun.
– Jaheira: Sitting, kneeling and whispering to a rat messenger, and whittling.
– Minsc: Cooking and shaving his head. (These are two separate animations. Although we wouldn’t put it past him, he’s not, in fact, cooking his head.)
– Shadowheart: Polishing the Spear of Night.
– Halsin: Whittling.
• If you started your game on a set difficulty, you can now switch to Custom Mode (except when already playing Honour Mode).
• Fixed an issue that would prevent travel between acts.
• Fixed an issue causing quicksaves to fail to upload to cross-saves.
• Characters in the epilogue camp party will now have fitting titles below their names.
• Fixed the Shield Bash and Rebuke of the Mighty passives not triggering Saving Throws.
• Added light bar colours for the DualSense controller on PC.
• If you romanced Lae’zel, grab a red dragon and saddle up – you can now join her in the rebellion against Vlaakith, even if you are not gith yourself.
• Fixed graphic settings not being applied for some 4k monitors.
• Fixed a crash on Xbox that would sometimes occur when starting or ending a game.
• You can now toggle off Repelling Blast as expected.
• If you Long Rest with only alcohol as camp supplies, you will now get the new Hungover condition for 10 turns.
• Auto-selecting your camp supplies before a Long Rest will use resources more optimally – sometimes you just don’t feel like cooking.
• The Long Rest camp supply menu is now better at pulling supplies from inside containers in companion inventories. Stop hoarding the cheese, Wyll.
• Group Hide now works on all party members controlled by the player, including followers and summons.
• Made it possible to dismiss party members during camp nights. Also made it possible to recruit hirelings to a full party – they’ll hang around at camp until you need them.
• You can now talk to the circus bard Medrash and get a short but enthusiastic response from him.
• The owlbear cub will no longer gobble up Auntie Ethel’s Hair before you can take advantage of the bonus it grants.
• The Elixir of Hill Giant Strength now applies its effects when thrown.
• Creating harmful surfaces beneath NPCs will now trigger a crime reaction.
• Scratch can no longer equip certain weapons. Like the Everburn Blade.
• Added the option to scale the density of crowds on Xbox.
• As a quality-of-life improvement, the Pact Weapon condition now remains after a Long Rest.
• The Shambling Mound is now a fully-fledged Honour Mode boss, with brand new bespoke Legendary Actions and tuned-up abilities. Good luck.
• The drider and Dror Ragzlin have new Legendary Actions in Honour Mode!
• In Tactician Mode, the drider has a special Sanctuary, called Spindleweb Sanctuary, that erupts in a psychic explosion when the status condition ends. In addition, his Spindleweb Fanaticism aura will now debuff his enemies.
• In Tactician Mode, Dror Ragzlin’s Leadership Aura will now also debuff his enemies.
• Jaheira could be in bad shape by the time she arrived at Moonrise Towers since she already had to fight. Now she’s smart enough to heal up before she goes there, which we’re hoping lets her last at least an additional second in combat.
• The Frightened condition applied by Ketheric’s Dreadful Aspect will now correctly end if the combat with Ketheric ends before the condition does. (This will also fix other similar cases.)
• Improved combat AI pathfinding through dangerous surfaces and through steep terrain.
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• The trade interface got a graphic overhaul, clarifying which character is bartering for the party, what their Persuasion score is, and how much of a discount they’re getting for the trade. The feedback when bartering has also been improved to indicate the status of the offer.
• The whole party’s inventory is now present in the trade interface, which doesn’t require you to switch characters to sell their items from their inventories anymore.
• You can now change the size of text in books and other legible items in the Interface Options.
• Updated the interface visuals for the Options and Difficulty menus.
• Renamed the ‘Class Passives’ panel for sorcerers on level up to ‘Metamagic’ and added a description for it. This was to make the naming more precise, given that all the class passives for sorcerers are Metamagic and the main level up window already tells you that they’re passives.
• Renamed the ‘Camp Companions’ button to ‘Camp Inventories’ to more clearly indicate what it does.
• Added the Custom Mode settings to the Lobby UI, giving you time to create your personalised experience while waiting for your friends. (And also giving you time to argue amongst yourselves while coming to a compromise.)
• Camp chests are now integrated into the Camp Inventories UI.
• Fixed incorrect button prompts and mappings showing for Switch Pro Controller on PC.
• Reverse-pickpocketing (planting things into others’ inventories) should now work correctly on controller.
• Improved how the combat log indicates XP gain. Now, if everyone in the party gains XP from several different sources at the same time – like when you Fireball a bunch of rats – you’ll get one entry in the combat log with the calculated total XP gained, rather than separate entries for each XP, clogging up the whole log.
• Added sub-sorting to throwable items on the Hotbar so the most recently picked-up items will appear first.
• When faced with certain choices after the Netherbrain is defeated, you can now tell Lae’zel to make her own decision.
• Added additional Avatar Karlach and Avatar Astarion reactivity within God Gale’s dialogues in the epilogue, allowing them to request a cure for their conditions.
• Added some new lines to Minthara’s epilogue dialogue to account for different paths where the player character has partnered up with her.
• Added some extra Narrator lines for the Dark Urge when interacting with Gortash in his office.
• Added new dialogues and reactivity for Lae’zel regarding the githyanki egg from Crèche Y’llek.
• If Gale is a mind flayer in the endgame when returning to Elysium with Mystra, she will now transform him back into a human.
• Rephrased some journal entries to account for NPCs being knocked out instead of killed.
• If you’re romancing Shadowheart in Act II, she’ll have more banter as you’re walking around.