Sunburns are common during the summer season. But according to the expert, excessive sunburns can be a serious concern and a threat to your skin.

Summer is a great time to enjoy outdoor activities or vacations. However, despite the pleasant weather, skin problems are prevalent during the season. One of them is sunburn, which happens when the skin is overexposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. UV radiation induces DNA damage in skin cells, causing inflammation and the skin becomes red, painful, and sometimes swollen. Sunburn can surely be annoying and cause embarrassment in certain situations.
The symptoms of sunburn are redness, swelling, peeling skin, pain, tenderness, hot and tight skin, fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting, discolouration within the burn, blisters, and blisters filled with fluid which need prompt attention by a health professional.
Can Sunburn Increase The Risk of Skin Cancer?
Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics spoke to and shared, “Though sunburn that occurs once cannot lead to cancer, repeated sunburns can surely raise the chances of skin cancer. One can suffer from melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma which will require a tailor-made treatment approach. So, when one is constantly exposed to UV radiation, it destroys the DNA in skin cells, causing mutations and cancer. One has to protect himself/herself from the UV rays by using sunscreen over SPF 50 as per the doctor’s suggestion. Consult a dermatologist when it comes to your skin health.”
She further added, “Monitor any abnormal changes in the skin like moles, discoloration, or unusual growth, and report to the doctor without any delay to prevent skin cancer. It is the need of the hour for people to take charge of their skin health and keep skin cancer at bay. Moreover, there is also a lack of awareness when it comes to skin cancer. Hence, people should be educated regarding this cancer to make sure they act quickly without neglecting the symptoms.”
Here are few tips to keep you safe from UV rays when stepping out in summers
- Ensure to stay hydrated by drinking at least 3 liters of water daily to avoid dehydration.
- Use a moisturizer recommended by the doctor for soothing your skin.
- Opting for Aloe Vera gel can also be a good idea to tackle skin burning, swelling, inflammation, redness, and irritation.
- Opt for a cool compress and place a damp cloth on the sunburned area to tackle swelling, inflammation, and discomfort.
- Take any medication prescribed by the doctor only. Wear full-sleeved cotton clothes to prevent sunburn.
- Don’t use ointments containing ingredients that irritate the skin. Take refreshing cold showers.