Stretch and warm up
Walking usually isn’t especially hard on the knees, as long as you remember to stretch from time to time.Begin with a warm-up by walking at a slow pace. Stretching and warm up is extremely important if you don’t want to injure your knees. Once you are done with stretching exercises, take small steps until your body adjusts to the movement. Listen to your body and increase the pace as it becomes prepared to walk for a longer duration. Always finish with a stretching routine to prevent wear and tear of the muscles and to cool down your body.
Wear comfy shoes
Always remember to invest in good quality shoes with light soles that have proper cushioning before beginning to walk. Good gear, like comfortable walking and running shoes, provides maximum protection by absorbing any shock to the knees. Many people get blisters when they increase the distance or pace in uncomfortable shoes. Hence, investing in a good pair of shoes is crucial.

Train the knees
Avoid starting off at 10 km and beyond if you have suffered leg injuries in the past. Always begin at a lower level and increase it. To strengthen the muscles surrounding your knees, climb several hills and staircases. Eat foods like bone broth, anjeer and almonds that are known to strengthen the joints.
Manage your weight
The higher the weight, the greater the impact on your knees. Before you begin walking to lose weight, try to shed some pounds by making necessary adjustments to your diet. This will better prepare your body and help you lose a few pounds as you begin walking at a higher pace. Start slow and steady, and walk every day to shed the weight.
See a doctor
It is imperative to see a doctor for any knee concerns and ease up if you feel pain. Consider comfy shoes and stretching, and ensure you have a proper walkway without bumps on it. In case that’s not a possibility, begin by walking on a treadmill first, and then progress to a 5% incline. The key is to listen to your body and build up gradually. Happy walking!
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