LAREDO, Tx. (KGNS) – Throughout the State of Texas, local municipal courts are recognizing and promoting public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary system.
The Laredo Municipal Court is working on changes they say will benefit the community.
The municipal court in Laredo sees hundreds of cases per month. Usually, the cases deal with traffic and city ordinance violations.
In order to promote the work that the specific court does, Monday starts what is being proclaimed as “Municipal Court Week” in Laredo.
Municipal Court Judge Jesus Dominguez said the court has grown and changed in the last decade.
“We also went electronic, we are not paper driven anymore. We’re paper lite, only the people that come in and do business with the city do so we can scan them into the system since everything is electronic now,” said Judge Dominguez. “We also do a lot of trainings now, we have a lot of clerks that are certified now as clerks here with the court now.”
Dominguez is working to reduce the fear or dread people might associate a courtroom with.
He wants to be proactive and prevent people from having to step foot in his courtroom.
That’s why Dominguez is partnering with the Texas Department of Transportation and local entities to educate the community about the importance of traffic safety.
“We all need to work together to bring more education as to what we are doing on the road a lot of people are dying on the roadways for simple things like not wearing a seatbelt and not taking the time to put your children in a car seat,” said Blanca Trevino Castro with TxDOT.
As of now, plans are preliminary for this new program; however, they are planning to educate with real life experiences others have gone through.
Dominguez said they plan to implement this program specifically with juveniles first.
Dominguez adds that they have recently added a juvenile case court manager. This person is able to look at juvenile cases since they are treated differently than adult violations.
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