CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday aired a chilling voicemail that was received by the wife of a Republican lawmaker who opposed Rep. Jim Jordan’s (R-Ohio) faltering bid for the House speaker role.
“This is pretty ugly stuff,” Tapper warned viewers before playing the audio that was sent to the GOP lawmaker, who he did not identify. Anti-Jordan House Republicans have received multiple threats in recent days.
“Why is your husband such a pig? Why would he get on TV and make an asshole of himself? Because he’s a deep-state prick? Because he doesn’t represent the people?” the male caller began.
The caller then threatened to “fucking come follow you all over the place” and warned she would “keep getting calls and emails.”
“I’m putting all your information over the internet now. Everybody else is,” they continued. They said “you’re going to be fucking molested like you can’t ever imagine” but “non-violently.”
“You must be a bitch to marry a fucking ugly motherfucker like that,” they added.
Tapper called the voicemail “disgusting.”
“The pressure campaign for Jordan was announced over the weekend. Calls like that started happening immediately. Jordan didn’t denounce it until last night. What is going on in your party?” the anchor asked Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas).
“Well, this shows you the level of political discourse in this country now,” McCaul responded.
Tapper interrupted to say: “No. In your party, sir. In your party.”
McCaul agreed the message was “despicable,” suggested it hadn’t been made directly on the orders of Jordan but said he feared for the safety of lawmakers back in their districts. Jordan himself has condemned the threats.