Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh opened up about their marriage on the premiere episode of Koffee with Karan Season 8. They spoke about the early days of their relationship, when they were “technically allowed” to date other people but kept coming back to each other. Ranveer spoke about their first meeting with each other during the making of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela, when he was awestruck by Deepika and the two shared a ‘moment of spark’ for the first time.
When Karan asked when they started dating after first meeting each other, Ranveer said, “The next day,” and Deepika added, “There was no gap.” Deepika shared that she was single at the time and Ranveer had just come out of a relationship. She said that she did not want to be attached to anyone at the time as she had been through a few difficult relationships. Even after she met Ranveer and they started dating each other, “there was no real commitment as such” until they got engaged, she revealed.
Deepika said that even though they were “technically allowed” to date other people, they “would just keep coming back to each other.” She said, “I did meet other people, but I wasn’t interested or excited by anyone else that I was seeing. In my mind, I was committed to him. So I would meet other people but at the back of my head, it was like, I am going back to him.”
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When Karan asked if they discussed that they were in a relationship at this point, Deepika said “no” but Ranveer said that it was “established” that they were together. “We would go out on dates. It’s not really said, but once you take a holiday together or you spend New Year’s together, then it gets established that you are together,” he shared
Ranveer recalled that Deepika had “two or three other suitors within the first six months,” and “lot of guys were courting her.” Deepika was puzzled by Ranveer’s recollections, and asked who these people were, to which Ranveer said, “You just said that you were seeing other people but I would go back to him but now you don’t remember?” She insisted that she didn’t remember these people, but Ranveer underlined that he remembered “very clearly.” Ranveer concluded the topic by saying that he knew he was “the one” for Deepika, and was confident that she was “the one” for him in the first six months.
Ranveer and Deepika have been married since 2018 and will soon be celebrating their fifth anniversary.
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