The summer travel season is in full swing, and many people are choosing to travel by train. However, for Americans who aren’t accustomed to regularly taking trains, traveling abroad can be unfamiliar and lead to stress and confusion. Train etiquette is important to ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride for everyone involved.
One common mistake is trying to board the train before allowing passengers to exit. It’s important to wait until people have gotten off the train before attempting to board. Once on board, move away from the doors to allow others to enter and exit without obstruction. When it’s your turn to get off the train, be patient and respectful, allowing those closest to the door to exit first.
Keeping your volume down is another important aspect of train etiquette. If you’re on a train that has designated quiet cars, respect the rule of silence. Even on other forms of public transportation, it’s important to keep your volume low so as not to disturb others. If you need to make a phone call, try to do it outside the quiet car and keep the call short. Also, be mindful of the content of your conversations to avoid offending others.
Another common mistake is putting your belongings on seats, taking up more space than necessary. Avoid blocking others from sitting by placing your belongings on empty seats. When the train starts to fill up, move your belongings so that others can sit down. However, if the train is empty and the doors have closed, you can spread out a bit.
It’s also important to be mindful of the food you bring on the train. Avoid bringing smelly foods or foods with strong aromas that may disturb other passengers. Opt for self-contained and minimally fragrant foods. Additionally, try to refrain from eating common allergens like peanuts to avoid causing any allergies in fellow passengers.
When it comes to engaging in conversations with fellow passengers, pay attention to their cues. If they seem interested and receptive, you may engage in conversation. However, if they respond with short answers or seem disinterested, give them their privacy. It’s important to respect others’ boundaries and not infringe on their personal space.
Lastly, be considerate of others’ needs and be willing to accommodate them. If additional passengers are boarding and looking for seats, make sure you’re not blocking the aisles trying to find a seat. Also, be willing to switch seats if necessary, but don’t take it personally if someone declines. Be kind, use polite language, and extend courtesy and humility to your fellow passengers.
By following these train etiquette tips, you can ensure a more pleasant and enjoyable experience for yourself and those around you while traveling by train.