In a shocking incident in Delhi’s Inderpuri area, an 11-year-old boy was strangled to death by a family friend named Pooja. After committing the heinous act, Pooja placed the child’s body in a bed box at his home. The incident came to light when the boy’s teacher informed his mother that he did not attend class. The police were notified about the boy’s death and found strangulation marks on his neck. Investigations revealed that Pooja was known to the boy’s family and had visited their house before. However, she had some conflicts with the child’s parents. The boy’s mother discovered the terrible scene when she returned home and found the house ransacked. She found her son’s lifeless body inside the bed box and immediately took him to the hospital, where he was declared dead. The parents had been living separately, and Pooja visited the house when the mother was not present. A murder case has been registered, and the police are conducting raids at Pooja’s possible hiding places.
Family Friend Strangles 11-Year-Old Boy to Death, Conceals Body in Bed Box in Inderpuri
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