Before we get ready to hoist flags, pledge to gather the people in your locality and join hands for a cleaning drive. We all must have cleaned our rooms and house, but now, let’s do the greatest service and clean our country.

With the passing years, the day of freedom has indeed a different meaning for different people. Independence Day is nothing more than a holiday for some. Talking about the new generation, most of them are not exactly aware of the significance of August 15 and January 26. So, have we started taking Independence for granted? For many others, August 15 still holds a very special day in their hearts. It is a day of pride, for which freedom fighters struggled with the British empire to make our independence dream a reality.
Starting with patriotic songs playing in our neighbourhoods to children running around with flags and wearing attires of different freedom fighters for their school competition and flag hoisting ceremony, everything reminds of the freedom that makes our life so easy and hassle-free without any restriction. So, as India enters its 77th year of independence, being an Indian, we also have some responsibilities towards our nation.
Here are a few things you can do to contribute to your nation and society:
Plant Greenery
One of the most alarming things that the country is facing is global warming. With the making of multinational companies, malls and bungalows, trees are being cut down, leading to natural calamities and growing heat waves. So, planting trees must be the top most priority for Indians to celebrate the Independence Day. Increase greenery in your neighbourhood, making sure that our future generations have a safer and breathable place to live in.
Clean your Surrounding
Before we get ready to hoist flags, pledge to gather the people in your locality and join hands for a cleaning drive. We all must have cleaned our rooms and house, but now, let’s do the greatest service and clean our country. A small step of an individual can be a big leap for mankind. Not just this, your initiative might inspire others to keep their surroundings neat and clean.
Cook Food For The Poor
India is free and rich in culture and tradition, but still our country is struggling with many below-the-poverty line people who cannot afford three meals a day. As a kind gesture, spare your time and cook some delicacies for the needy and make their Independence day brighter.
Think For The Welfare Of The Four Legged Warriors
On the day of freedom, not many of us might think of our paw-buddies. Every life is important, be it trees, animals or humans. Helping out stray animals who can love unconditionally if treated the right way can be another way to contribute to the nation. Feed stray animals, be it cows, dogs or cats. Dedicate some time of your day to love and be a helping hand of an animal welfare group.
Random Acts Of Kindness
It might sound childish, but small gestures can really make a person’s day. From giving a compliment to a random person to helping someone going through some difficulties, on this day of freedom, let’s take out time to bring a smile on someone’s face and make them feel cherished through a good deed or word.
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