According to a report by 9to5Google, the tech giant has also confirmed that the “Talk to a Live Representative’’ is currently available for Search Lab users in the US. The company is also working to get the feature on the Google app for Android and iOS, as well as Chrome on desktop.
Google Talk to a Live Representative feature: How it may work
When users search for customer service numbers, they will see a prominent “Talk to a live representative” prompt. The report claims that the prompt recently started surfacing for Knowledge Panels by Google.
With this feature, Google will call the support line “for you and wait on hold until a customer service representative picks up.” At that time, Google will call the user so they can get on with their business.
To “Request a call,” users have to first specify a reason for why they’re calling. For example, users call airlines for multiple reasons like — for updating existing booking, luggage issue, canceled flight, flight check-in, missed flight and delayed flight.
After this, users have to provide their phone number for Google to send SMS updates about the support call on that number. The Request page will note the estimated wait time. After submitting, users can also cancel the request at any time.
Here’s a list of supported businesses:
- Airlines: Alaska Airlines, Delta Airlines, JetBlue, Southwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines, United
- Telecommunications: Assurance Wireless, Boost Mobile, Charter Communications, Cricket Wireless, Samsung, Sprint (presumably T-Mobile)
- Retail: Best Buy, Costco, Gamestop, The Home Depot, Walmart, Services
- Services: ADT, DHL, Fedex, Grubhub, Instacart, Securus Technologies, Stubhub, UPS, and Waste Management, Zelle
- Insurance: Esurance, State Farm
Some of these services already offer an alternative option called Call me back for users waiting on the line. However, Google’s feature will be offered on a much larger scale.