Digestive woes increase in summer season. Fret, not we have an expert who reveled few methods to plan your meals ahead for good digestion routine in summer season.

Summer season entails its share of health concerns. The scorching heat makes us feel queasy, a little uncomfortable with sweating and the sun shining right above our heads. Amid rising temperatures digestive issues tend to increase as well. When the temperature rises, the bacterial composition also tends to increase in the digestive tract. Apart from this, it is also the season when mosquito breeding grounds increase, food and water get contaminated easily causing indigestion, bloating and several other digestive woes.
Have you ever wondered how some meals leave you feeling energised and satisfied, while others leave you bloated and uncomfortable? The answer lies in digestion! Good digestion is the cornerstone of overall health and well-being. To comprehend the summer digestion and how to improve it, India.com got in touch with Miten Kakaiya, fitness and wellness coach at Miten Says Fitness. Highlighting the importance of gut health, Miten said, “All of us lead busy lives today, and in the rush of our daily routines, most of us neglect the importance of digestion and that by just planning our meals right and eating them well, we can counter a lot of our daily health concerns. Planning your meals is a simple and easy hack to aid better digestion and improve health.”
3 Steps to Follow For Good Digestion in Summer
- Having Apple Cider Vinegar mixed in water before meals: One of the main culprits behind poor digestion is low stomach acid levels, a condition known as hypochlorhydria. Stomach acid plays a vital role in sterilizing food, adjusting pH levels, and facilitating nutrient assimilation. “As we age, our ability to produce sufficient stomach acid diminishes, leading to discomfort, however incorporating ACV into your routine before meals can help address the issue,” says Miten. “ACV’s acidic nature stimulates stomach acid production, aiding digestion and also reduces the risk of post-meal blood sugar spikes” he adds.
- Embrace slow-cooked minced meals: Cooking transforms food! “Slow Cooking breaks the tough cell walls and makes food more bioavailable. Mincing (or blending) breaks down structures – making nutrients available and easy to digest. It’s like a culinary shortcut to your digestive system,” says Miten. Eating health is not always about what you eat, but about how you prepare it too. No wonder our traditions ask us to consume khichadi & vegetable stew when we are sick.
- Incorporating bitter vegetables for better fat digestion: Bitter vegetables, such as radish and rocket leaves, offer more than just a unique flavour profile—they can significantly improve fat digestion. These vegetables can help stimulate bile production, a crucial component in breaking down fats and aiding digestion. “By incorporating bitter vegetables into your meals, particularly before consuming high-fat foods, you can optimize bile secretion and promote smoother digestion. Experiment with incorporating bitter greens into salads, stir-fries, or smoothies to reap their digestive benefits” says Miten.
Simple but effective changes to your meals can make a substantial change in your digestive health. Right from taking the time to chew your food properly to prepare your meals right, a lot of positive energy and simple hacks can work wonders on your digestive system. You can practice these techniques to nourish your body and cultivate a healthier digestive system.
Small changes in your meal planning can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being.