Hanuman Jayanti 2024: Lord Hanuman is a representation of unwavering strength, devoted service, and dedication. Wish your loved one with these wishes and greetings to honour the birth of Hindu god.

Hanuman Jayanti 2024: Hindus celebrate Hanuman Jayanti, a holiday honouring the birth of the Hindu god and one of the heroes of the Ramayana. Each Indian state observes Hanuman Jayanti differently, based on the season and local traditions. This year, Hanuman Jayanti falls on Tuesday, April 23. It is scheduled to begin at 3.25 AM on April 23 and conclude by 5.18 AM on April 24. Many localities worship Lord Hanuman with elaborate ceremonies on this day. Numerous items are donated during Hanuman Jayanti. People go to temples, offer prayers to Lord Hanuman, feed the hungry, conduct Sunder Kaand Paath, go to kirtans, recite bhajans, and more on Hanuman Jayanti. You may also commemorate the day by wishing your loved ones a happy birthday and sharing happy pictures with them on social media.
Happy Hanuman Jayanti 2024 Wishes, Images And Greetings
On this auspicious Hanuman Jayanti day, let us pray to Pawan Putra Hanuman and ask for his blessings so that we might succeed in life. Happy Hanuman Jayanti to you and your family!
A very happy Hanuman Jayanti to you. May you live a happy and bountiful life, blessed by Lord Hanuman.
I hope that this Hanuman Jayanti, your wishes come true and your family remains safe and content. Happy Hanuman Jayanti to you and your family
I pray that Lord Hanuman would grant you the discernment, bravery, and strength to face any obstacle and live a happy and meaningful life. Happy Jayanti to Hanuman.
Hanuman Hai Naam Mahaan, Hanuman Kare Beda Paar, Jo Leta Hai Naam Bajrang Bali Ka, Sab Din Hote Uske Ek Samaan!
I want happiness, peace, and wealth for you and your family. Hanuman Jayanti ki apko and apke parivar ko hardik shubhkamnayein.
May Lord Hanuman eliminate all barriers and enrich your life with positivity on this auspicious day. Happy Jayanti, Hanuman!
Lord Hanuman is a representation of power, unwavering loyalty, and selfless service. He is Lord Ram’s biggest devotee. Happy Hanuman Jayanti, everyone.
Let us commemorate the birth of Lord Hanuman, a symbol of bravery, loyalty, and altruism. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
On Hanumaan Jayanti, I hope you and your family have happiness, peace, and wealth! Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
India.com wishes its readers a very Happy Hanuman Jayanti 2024!