Out of the 3.93 lakh units sold in December 2023, over 3.77 lakh were sold in the domestic market while 16,110 units were shipped overseas. The manufacturer has aggressively expanded its lineup in the recently-concluded year with several launches across segments. The manufacturer had launched the Xoom 100cc scooter, Xtreme 200, 200S 4 Valve iterations, besides debuting the Harley-Davidson co-developed X400 mid-capacity roadster. Apart from that, Hero also brought back the Karizma brand with the launch of the all-new Karizma XMR.
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In December, the OEM’s motorcycle sales fell slightly at 3,54,658 as against the 3,56,749 sold in December 2022. However, scooter sales went up and clocked 39,294 units in comparison to the 37,430 units sold in the year-ago period.
Hero MotoCorp is entering the new year with an aim to expand its premium lineup and on January 22 itself, the company will debut its biggest 440cc motorcycle, which is likely to be based on the Harley-Davidson X440 platform. Recently, the company shared a teaser of the bassy exhaust note of the upcoming model, which sounded reminiscent of the X440.
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