Drug addiction is a psychological problem that cannot be cured with medication alone. Any addiction is already an external manifestation of the problem that a person carries within himself.
Dependence is formed over a long period. Changes in behavior and character become noticeable during this period. These external manifestations can be alarm bells for friends and relatives and say that you need to pay attention to the person.
The first and foremost thing friends and family can do is talk in order to find out, tactfully and without pressure, what really pushed a person to the decision to start using drugs. Finding it out will help doctors build the most effective treatment method in each specific case. However, it is not easy to start a dialogue first. There is confusion, fear and a feeling of helplessness. Next step would be looking for couples rehab near me so that your loved one would get the treatment they need.
In this article, we are answering the most common questions that relatives or friends of drug users might have and the types of drug rehabs for families.
How to start a dialogue?
To say that they know about the problem, will be there and ready to help. Dialogue format without judgment and imposition.
It is important that the decision to help is made by the person himself/herself.
How to find the right words?
You need sincerity and openness without judgment and criticism.
What is the role of the family in the treatment of an addict?
Since the family often plays a significant role in the addiction problem, the solution should also include the family. But this is an ideal option. It is great for family members to see a therapist and AN groups, or even find rehab for couples.
This helps to understand their role in the dependent behavior of a loved one and with the help of a therapist and groups to find out possible strategies for optimal behavior and providing help to a loved one.
But at this stage, unfortunately, very often family members refuse such an option.
In my experience working in addiction medicine, families who heed this advice are usually more helpful to loved ones with addiction problems.
They better understand how to help and build healthy boundaries in providing that help in a way that doesn’t demotivate the addict or encourage breakdowns.
How to convince a drug user that he needs treatment?
You can only inform your partner in an unobtrusive way, if they are interested. If a person does not want to get treatment in drug rehab for married couples, you can’t make them.
If a person refuses treatment, what should be done?
Family members or loved ones who live with an addict should contact a psychotherapist and co-addict groups.
Everyone thinks that it is necessary to influence an addict and treat them, but very often the family itself, without realizing it, supports the addiction of a loved one. Therefore, psychotherapy and groups for co-dependents help to build a healthier relationship with the addicted person, which indirectly supports the motivation for treatment. It is almost impossible to do without the help of experts.
What will be the benefit of the therapeutic group?
If an addicted person voluntarily attends psychotherapy groups, it is always beneficial. Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous groups are also helpful.
The process of getting rid of drug addiction is long. The support of loved ones at any stage is important.
Their primary task is to help the patient choose the most successful method of treatment for the drug user.
The first step of relatives and friends of a person who probably uses drugs is to come for a consultation with a narcologist in order to find out whether the behavior of a loved one really meets the criteria for a person using something.
Family will receive recommendations on how to behave with an addicted person, how to talk to him and how to motivate him to seek help himself. Do not draw conclusions based only on observations of external signs.
Only a doctor can give an exact answer about the consumption of narcotic substances and the presence of addiction. Groundless accusations and quarrels only make the situation worse in any case. Such actions destroy trust, which is especially important.
If, after talking with the doctor, you are convinced of your guesses, it is necessary to come together with the probable drug user to a specialist.
After that, come to a consultation together with an addicted person in order to give him a test, conduct a diagnosis, examination and determine the degree of his addiction. If the diagnosis of drug addiction is confirmed, the specialist will prescribe treatment.
Rehabilitation takes place in several stages.
At the first stage, detoxification, i.e. cleaning, is carried out. Detoxification is aimed at eliminating the drug from the body. General treatment is also carried out, taking into account the disorders and consequences of use.
At the second stage, psychotherapeutic help is provided, because addiction is primarily a brain disease. Psychotherapy is aimed at achieving remission, that is, cessation of consumption. This is either a couples rehab or individual therapy with a psychologist.
At the third stage, supportive therapy is carried out. It includes: observation, testing of visits to support groups, periodic examinations and consultations with a psychologist or narcologist.
At the fourth stage, the process of resocialization is underway. A person adapts to society, changes the circle of communication, work, if necessary. To adapt to a new way of life in which there is no place for drugs.