Title: Rising Cases of Eye Flu and Hepatitis A & E in NCR: How to Stay Protected?
Unusual rains in the National Capital Region (NCR) have led to a surge in infections, including eye flu (conjunctivitis), Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis E. To protect yourself from these illnesses, here are some essential precautions to take.
Eye Flu Prevention:
1. Maintain a safe distance from individuals who are infected with eye flu.
2. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
3. Use hot or cold compresses multiple times a day to alleviate discomfort.
4. Avoid rubbing your eyes, even if they feel irritated.
5. Use prescribed eye drops to keep your eyes clean, but consult a doctor before using any eye drops, as some may contain harmful ingredients.
Hepatitis A & E Prevention:
1. Hepatitis A and E are mainly caused by contaminated food and water.
2. Ensure that the water you consume is clean by tasting it before drinking.
3. During the monsoon season when water accumulates, practice strict cleanliness in storing and consuming food and water.
4. Avoid eating or drinking items kept in the open and opt for packaged products instead.
5. Seek medical attention promptly if you suspect you have contracted Hepatitis A or E, and follow prescribed treatment plans, including bed rest and a healthy diet.
By following these preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of contracting eye flu, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis E. Stay informed about the latest updates on health-related issues by subscribing to our newsletter today.