On weather conditions in Delhi, Soma Sen said, “We are expecting a slight rise in temperature in Delhi. Heatwave conditions are not expected. Light thunderstorms may occur during the day in the next 3-4 days”
New Delhi: The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) scientist Soma Sen on Monday said that the department is expecting monsoon to advance over Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar in the next 3-4 days. She further added that the Light thunderstorms will continue in these states.
“We are expecting monsoon to advance over Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar in the next 3-4 days. Light thunderstorms will continue. Heatwave conditions have significantly reduced. Isolated heatwave conditions are likely to be reported from West Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar. Lightning is a major problem in regions along the monsoon advance line,” she said.
#WATCH | Delhi: IMD scientist Soma Sen says, “We are expecting monsoon to advance over Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Bihar in the next 3-4 days. Light thunderstorms will continue. Heatwave conditions have significantly reduced. Isolated heatwave conditions are likely to… pic.twitter.com/HGxsKbyQ4M
— ANI (@ANI) June 24, 2024
On weather conditions in Delhi, Soma Sen said, “We are expecting a slight rise in temperature in Delhi. Heatwave conditions are not expected. Light thunderstorms may occur during the day in the next 3-4 days”