Have you ever been aware of this word ‘Workplace Anxiety’? It makes a person feel anxious, constantly worried and dissatisfied about his/her job. Here are certain signs and symptoms that one can be watchful of.

Getting stressed out at work can happen to everyone, and it’s perfectly a normal thing. We spend at least a third of our day at the workplace and it has become an important aspect of our lives. Being comfortable in our own workplace is essential for our well-being and mental health. While facing challenges every day at work is a common thing, one should be careful of the symptoms that can called workplace anxiety.
Workplace anxiety or job-related anxiety is a specific type of disorder that happens due to excessive worry, fear or stress regarding one’s work environment. Many people aren’t aware of the stress they take due to their workload. It can manifest in different work-related factors, such as interpersonal conflicts, higher performance expectations and job insecurity. Here are some serious signs and symptoms that one should be watchful of:
7 Common Symptoms of Workplace Anxiety
- Constant worry: A person who is over-attached to his job can be constantly worried or insecure about losing it. Their worry can be all-consuming and interfere with their ability to concentrate on tasks.
- Impaired sleep: Anxiety may cause disturbance in sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or restless nights. Poor sleep can affect overall health and difficulty in concentrating on other tasks.
- Perfectionism: A strong desire to be perfect all the time and set unrealistically high standards for themselves can be a symptom of workplace anxiety. This makes the person feel dissatisfied with themselves all the time.
- Exhaustion: Anxiety leads to overthinking and this can actually make a person mentally exhausted. He/she may lose the will to perform other tasks and feel drained all the time
- Physical Symptoms: Anxiety can start affecting physically, leading to symptoms like headaches, rapid heartbeat, sweating and gut-health issues.
- No Job Satisfaction: Constant workplace anxiety eliminates job satisfaction and overall quality of life. Hence, it may cause burnout if left untreated.
- Social Withdrawal: A person may avoid meeting people at work due to anxiety, stress and fear of judgment. Also, he/she forgets to balance his personal and professional life, which can also impact the person’s mental health.
How to Cope With Workplace Anxiety?
Workplace anxiety can feel overwhelming and unrelenting. But it’s also important to understand yourself and prioritise your mental health. Know your worries and what makes you anxious at your job. Rather than criticizing yourself, talk positively. You might say “I’m feeling frazzled right now, and that’s okay.” Create a safe and no-stressful work environment around yourself. It’s best to communicate if you trust any co-worker or if not, then its better to keep things professional. Above all, you deserve to work in a safe and reasonable environment.