In a video that was shared by actor Sikandar Kher, the veteran actor was seen sharing a recipe for an egg delicacy which instantly went viral. Fans, as always, loved Jaggu Dada’s unique narration style in the recipe.
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Post that, fans showered him with love. While one fan wrote, “Kadkadkahkakahdakagdkia nahi na broooo wahi mistake ho gaya na bhidu”, another one added, “Bhai main side wali video na bhi dekhu tab bhi pura imagination create kr diya… Luv u dada.” Another user also commented, “That Maushichi felt nostalgic. Jaggu Dada please create your own YouTube cooking channel. Enjoyed it,” wrote a fan. Another commented, “Gordon Ramsay vs jaggu dadda will be epic.”
Now, in a conversation with News18, Jaggu Dada said that he loves cooking for his friends and family. He said that he was surprised that the recipe went so viral since it was uploaded without much thought. He even joked that he is glad that no one got food poisoning from trying it and that he is stoked on the outpouring of love. Finally, he said that even though he does not eat egg because he is a vegetarian, he loves cooking it for friends.