Asking her followers to watch Oppenheimer, Kangana said in Hindi, “This is the story of a Jewish physicist who made the atomic bomb during World War 2 for America. They think he is a leftist and a deeply political person. Americans believe he may be a Soviet Union agent and consider him anti-national. In order to prove them wrong, he ends up creating nuclear power. However, amidst this, his humanity emerges and challenges him, leading to a conflict. This is the theme of the film.”
Speaking about her favorite part of Oppenheimer, the actress added, “My favorite part is the reference to Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and LordVishnu – when he channels his inner Vishnu.”
She captioned the clip, “Christopher Nolan’s best work so far. The most important film of our time… I am so excited I just didn’t want it to end… it has everything I deeply love, I am passionate about physics and politics… For me, this was like a cinematic orgasm… beyond wonderful!”
Oppenheimer stars Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, and Robert Downey Jr. in lead roles. The film has grossed over $400 million globally at the box office.