As per the Gregorian calendar, Ramzan in India is expected to commence on March 11 or March 12. Check out the city-wise Sehri Iftar timings for Ramadan 2024 in India below.

Today, 10th March 2024, Muslims worldwide will be gearing up to sight the crescent moon of Ramadan. Ramadan, a practice that is a traditional and essential aspect of the Islamic faith as it determines the commencement of the month of fasting from dawn until sunset, as well as engaging in acts of charity and worship.
Ramadan serves as a period for Muslims to unite as a community fostering bonds of motherhood. The Ramadan timetable fosters this communal spirit by ensuring uniformity in fasting and prayer schedules across cities. This enables family members, friends, and communities to gather for SehrI (pre-dawn meal) and Iftar (breaking of the fast) meals with a sense of unity and solidarity.
On Monday, South Asian nations such as India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and others will eagerly anticipate the sighting of the Ramadan crescent moon. The holy month is slated to begin on March 11 or 12, depending upon the new moon sighting. The Iftar hours vary significantly in India due to the country’s huge geographic variations. As per the local tradition, Middle Eastern countries celebrate both Ramadan and Eid-ul-fitr, one day earlier than most countries in the world.
City-Wise Sehri And Iftar Timings For The Holy Month Of Ramazan 2024
Check out the city-wise Sehri Iftar timings for Ramadan 2024 in India below
- AHEMDABAD: Sehri: 05:38 AM; Iftar: 06:47 PM
- BENGALURU: Sehri: 05:19 AM; Iftar: 06:31 PM
- CHENNAI: Sehri: 05:08 AM; Iftar: 06:20 PM
- DELHI: Sehri 05:18 AM; Iftar: 06:27 PM
- HYDERABAD: Sehri 05:16 AM; Iftar: 06:26 PM
- KOLKATA: Sehri: 04:35 AM; Iftar: 05:45 PM
- KANPUR: Sehri: 05:06 AM; Iftar: 06:15 PM
- MUMBAI: Sehri: 05:38 AM; Iftar: 06:48 PM
- PUNE: Sehri: 05:34 AM; Iftar: 06:44 PM
- SURAT: Sehri: 05:38 AM; Iftar: 06:47 PM