Jalandhar MP Sushil Rinku has been re-nominated for the upcoming elections. The party has also introduced new faces, with Gurpreet Singh GP being named as the candidate for the Fatehgarh Sahib seat.
New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Thursday released its initial list of eight candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Punjab. The party’s decision to field five of its Cabinet ministers showcases a strategic approach to strengthen its presence in the state. Cabinet Minister Kuldeep Singh Dhaliwal has been nominated to contest from Amritsar, while Laljit Singh Bhullar will represent the party in Khadoor Sahib. Gurmeet Singh Khudian, another Cabinet Minister, will contest from Bathinda, followed by Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer from Sangrur and Balbir Singh from Patiala.
Jalandhar MP Sushil Rinku has been re-nominated for the upcoming elections. The party has also introduced new faces, with Gurpreet Singh GP being named as the candidate for the Fatehgarh Sahib seat. Singh, a former Congress MLA from Bassi Pathana, recently joined AAP.
Punjabi actor Karamjeet Anmol has been selected to contest from the Faridkot seat.