Maha Navami 2023: Expert explains the significance of performing Hawan on the last day of Navratri.

अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम्। होतारं रत्नधातमम् (RigVeda)
This Rigvedic shloka highlights the importance of Agni, the god of fire, in Vedic ceremonies and offerings. Using fire is a religious means of connecting to the cosmos and asking for benefits from its positive energy.
What is Hawan and Why It’s Important to Perform It on Maha Navami During Navratri?
Hawan is a sacred fire ceremony with roots in Vedic traditions. It entails calling upon the powers of the divine and sacrificing sacrifices and prayers into the fire.
It is said that Hawan on Navami during Navratri will bring many blessings. Spiritual development, an abundance of positive energy, and protection from evil influences are what devotees seek. Giving over one’s ego and wants to the divine is symbolized by the sacrifices, which are said to be a cleansing factor in the fire.
Hawan is spiritually significant, but it also has medicinal qualities. The ritual cleanses oneself and one’s surroundings. It has been discovered that the discharge of healing smoke during Hawan improves both mental and physical health. Beyond the ritual, Hawan has a cleaning effect on day-to-day living.
Essential Steps of Maha Navami Hawan
Getting ready for Hawan Navratri
Setting a clear objective and purpose for the Hawan is essential before you start. Recognize the goals you have for yourself when engaging in this holy exercise. Acquire the necessary supplies and equipment needed for the Hawan, such as ghee, wood, incense, grains, sacred herbs, and a Hawan Kund. Choose a lucky spot for the Hawan as well; ideally, it should face east to coincide with the rising of the sun.
Building the Kund at Hawan
The focal point of the Hawan is the sacred fire pit known as the Hawan Kund. Offerings are made to the gods there, and it represent the presence of Agni, the deity of fire. Building the Hawan Kund is an important stage. The materials and design have a lot of symbolic meaning. Make sure it is oriented to emphasize the sacredness of the ceremony by placing it in harmony with the universe. One can use Hawan kund made of copper, brass or steel, however, iron Hawan kund should be avoided.
Calling Upon Sacred Energies and Deities
A person’s mental and spiritual readiness is essential to the Navratri Hawan’s success. Distract yourself from the mundane and concentrate on the sublime. Invoking the presence of deities, especially the goddess Durga and other sacred forces, requires chanting mantras and prayers. As you set out on this spiritual adventure, ask for their blessings and direction. You can chant Sidh Kunjika Strotam or Navarna Mantra
Carrying out the Hawan
Every step in the Navratri Hawan has a precise order and importance. To start, throw some ghee into the fire to represent the purifying of your deeds. After that, make offerings of hallowed grains and herbs, each with its own special meaning. Chant Navratri-specific mantras and prayers to show your dedication and establish a connection with the holy.
Seek expert guidance from Pandit Ji while performing Hawan. Happy Maha Navami!