The Mahindra OJA 27 hp tractor is priced at Rs 5.64 lakh, while the Mahindra OJA 40 hp tractor is priced at Rs 7.35 lakh (ex-showroom, Pune). Mahindra presently has a 42 percent market share in the domestic tractor market. The company’s tractor sales in India last year were 9.45 lakh units.
Mahindra OJA tractor platform: Key highlights
The new Mahindra tractors are based on three OJA platforms – Sub-Compact, Compact and Small Utility. All these models are based on 4WD and high power-to-weight ratio. The Sub-compact is designed for USA markets, while the Small Utility is designed for USA, India and ASEAN markets. The Compact platform will be available for US, India and ASEAN markets.
With 4WD as standard, Mahindra launched 7 new tractor models for the Indian market, based on Compact and Small Utility platforms. These models range from 20 hp – 40 hp(14.91kW – 29.82kW), for a wide array of applications, and for unparalleled platform versatility and efficiency to handle diverse agricultural tasks, says the company.
These tractors feature three advanced technology packs – PROJA, MYOJA, and ROBOJA. Under the PROJA productivity pack, customers will get a forward/reverse shuttle and creeper, a tilt and telescopic steering, electric wet PTO and projector headlamps with signature DRL. The MYOJA pack will consist of service alerts and telematics, while the ROBOJA pack will offer auto PTO On/Off during turning and reversing, auto braking, Electronic Depth and Draft Control, Electronic Quick Raise and Lower, and Auto Implement Lift.
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Made-in-India Mahindra OJA tractor range
The Mahindra OJA platform is developed in collaboration with the Mahindra Research Valley, India and the R&D centre for Mahindra AFS and Mitsubishi Mahindra Agriculture Machinery, Japan, at an investment of Rs 1200 crore. Mahindra says that the OJA tractor range will be exclusively manufactured at its tractor facility in Zaheerabad, Telangana. Currently, this facility rolls-out Mahindra’s wide range of tractors.
“Embodied with innovation and technology, OJA tractors empower Mahindra to address 25% of the Global Tractor industry, while opening new markets like Europe and ASEAN. Unveiling 7 agile Lightweight 4WD Tractors Light Weight 4WD OJA tractors (21-40HP) in India, equipped with pioneering technologies, truly embodies our commitment to revolutionize farming worldwide,” says Hemant Sikka, President of Farm Equipment Sector, Mahindra & Mahindra.
“Featuring three advanced technology packs – PROJA, MYOJA, and ROBOJA – we proudly present OJA as India’s global innovation. OJA will be exclusively made in Zaheerabad, our youngest tractor manufacturing facility. The range will be available for customers in India starting October,” says Vikram Wagh, CEO of Farm Division, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
After starting its journey in India, the OJA range will subsequently be launched in North America, ASEAN, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, Europe and the SAARC region, says Mahindra. Additionally, the company will also mark its debut in the ASEAN region starting with Thailand in 2024.