In an interview with Humans of Bombay, Maniesh shared a funny story with a celebrity and spoke about the time when he had just started hosting award shows. He said that when Akshay was stepping off the stage, he asked him a question which prompted the Khiladi Kumar to shout back at him and asked him to shut up.
The incident left Maniesh quite embarrassed as Akshay said ‘chup kar’ in a stern tone. He started sweating at that moment. His mother had also come for the first time to see his work. He felt insulted but he managed to rescue the situation.
At that time, Maniesh knew that the situation could either make or break his career in the showbiz. So he decided to go with the flow. He followed Akshay to his seat even when his director warned him not to do so. He started telling Akshay that he insulted him in front of his mother and told him that he was just asking him for tips on acting.
Maniesh then went on to ask several random questions to Akshay and their conversation went to another level, leaving everyone in splits. Later, Akshay congratulated him for his humour and told him that he was just having fun with him. Maniesh then said that it was a fun time with Akshay.