The youngsters performing the dangerous stunt have since been identified by Tamil Nadu’s Trichy District police. The video was shot in Tiruchirappalli and the cops have already arrested 10 members of the group that was seen performing stunts in the video. The arrested persons have been booked under various sections of IPC and the Motor Vehicles Act, for performing stunts and being a threat to pedestrians, as per ANI.
While extremely dangerous, such antics are not unheard of and seem to be encouraged among youngsters. Earlier, Gurugram police seized a black Ford Endeavour for shooting rockets out of its sunroof, another illegally wrapped Swift hatchback was seized for performing dangerous stunts in the middle of Gold Course Road and in 2022, a Verna had been seized for strapping a cartridge of rockets to its tail gate and creating a hostile environment for other motorists in Gurugram. Among these growing acts of dangerous stunts, the one ting that is common is the distribution of videos of such acts across social media, to gain likes and attention.
What are your thoughts on such dangerous stunts? Let us know in the comments.