In the enchanting world of macro photography, every tiny detail becomes a masterpiece, and Greece-based photographer Makis Bitos is a maestro of this miniature realm. With a keen eye for beauty in the small and intricate, Bitos has turned his lens towards one of nature’s most beloved creatures: the ladybug.
In his latest series, Bitos delves into the fascinating world of these iconic beetles, capturing their vibrant colors, delicate wings, and intricate patterns in breathtaking detail. Through his lens, the humble ladybug transforms into a mesmerizing subject, each photograph revealing a new facet of its charm and elegance.
Bitos’s passion for macro photography is evident in every shot, as he meticulously composes each image to highlight the unique features of his tiny subjects. From the intricate veins of a ladybug’s wing to the delicate fuzz on its body, every detail is brought to life with stunning clarity.
Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can check Makis’s Instagram account for more incredible photos.
You can find Makis Bitos on the web:
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