Photographer Zsolt Hlinka’s series “Underground Symmetry” masterfully highlights the geometric beauty hidden within urban spaces. By focusing on the symmetry created by geometric shapes, Hlinka reveals a new perspective on these often overlooked environments. His photos strip away the functional aspects of the spaces, allowing the composition and structure to take center stage. Through his lens, ordinary underground locations are transformed into captivating displays of form and balance, where even the smallest details are brought into sharp focus.

Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka

Hlinka’s approach emphasizes the relationships between the shapes and lines that define these spaces, creating a visual harmony that might go unnoticed in daily life. The absence of human activity in the photos further enhances the sense of order and tranquility, inviting viewers to appreciate the architectural elegance that lies beneath the surface. With “Underground Symmetry,” Hlinka challenges us to see familiar surroundings in a new light, turning mundane settings into striking examples of geometric artistry.

Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can check Zsolt’s Instagram account for more amazing photos.

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Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka


Underground Symmetry By Zsolt Hlinka

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