A couple of folks learned the hard way what a simultaneous ice bath and massive insurance claim feel like after their plane landed on a seemingly frozen lake and broke through the ice.
The Cessna 172 Sky Hawk took off from Grand Rapids, Minnesota on the morning of December 19 and landed near Upper Red Lake in Minnesota around 9:15 in the morning. Unfortunately, the pilot was too near the lake, so it didn’t slow down fast enough and slid onto the ice, according to a post from the Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office. The nose of the plane broke through the thin sheet of ice, and both the pilot and their passenger ended up waist-deep in water. The pair were taken to a nearby resort and given some warm clothing.
Police say the two people onboard were heading to the lake because they wanted to go ice fishing. Unfortunately, they became the fish. Before landing, the pilot conducted a flyover and found what he thought was a safe landing spot, but that was not the case. A lack of snow on the ground meant the plane had a tough time slowing down – causing it to slide onto the ice which police believe is only about an inch or two thick.

Once the two people got out, they were assisted by other anglers on the ice who – I assume – also did not crash planes. Soon after, a Beltrami County Boat and Water Deputy was near the scene. He was able to use binoculars from the shore to confirm the two occupants made it out of the plane and were being assisted to shore.
If you’re in the area, you can go check out the plane for yourself. That bad boy is still in there, but arrangements are apparently being made to get it out. Too bad.
Over the weekend, nearly 35 people were reduced from a chunk of ice on the very same lake that broke off from the shore, according to KARE 11. Police are telling folks to be cautious of the ice on lakes and rivers because of “unseasonably warm weather and recent rain.” God, climate change is such a bitch.