Heart diseases lead to sever complication during pregnancy. According to several studies, cardiovascular health is becoming a rising concern for maternal deaths. Read on to know how to lower risk of heart problems.

Pregnancy is a time when moms-to-be require extra attention, extra medical care and extra health care as it caring and nurturing for more than one person. This is a sensitive and delicate time, pertaining to health, and one should be mindful of any complication that may come midway. Maternal deaths is a major health concern especially in rural areas where there is often a lack of a primary health care system. Apart from infection and excessive bleeding, heart diseases also majorly contribute towards maternal deaths.
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one of the important aspects that indicates the health system of a country socially towards women and children. According to data cited by Indian Express, India’s MMR has gone down by 70 per cent in the last two decades as per a 2020 study. As of now, researchers at the ICMR are looking at a study to chart out data on heart diseases linked to maternal deaths and how to tackle the health concern.
How are Heart Diseases Related to Maternal Deaths?
According to Mayo Clinic, “Pregnancy makes the heart and blood vessels work harder. During pregnancy, blood volume increases by 30% to 50% to nourish the growing baby. The heart also pumps more blood each minute, and the heart rate increases. Labor and delivery add to the heart’s workload too. During labor, there are sudden changes in blood flow and blood pressure, especially when pushing.”
Due to changes in metabolism during pregnancy and other changes in the body, there could be an increased risk of heart problems. Congenital heart disease is a common cardiovascular ailment that may occur during pregnancy. However, there are tips and tricks to manage one’s health to reduce risk of heart problems:
Pregnancy Tips: 5 Ways to Reduce Risk of Heart Diseases
- Pre-Pregnancy Care: First and foremost, it is imperative to be aware of the health issues of the woman. Check for family history of heart problems or any other health concern as well. Have regular check-ups to avpid exacerbations and complications during pregnancy.
- Manage Hypertension: Pregnancy already puts a little pressure on the heart valave specially during labor time. Hypertension or high blood pressure is dangerous for the heart. It puts pressure on the vessels increasing risk of heart attack. Therefore, managing stress, is extremely important.
- Heart Health Diet: Pregnancy diet is a little different. It comprises of balanced diet with required nutrients. For heart health, include more whole foods, green veggies, fruits etc. Always consult a medical professional to chart out the best dietary plan.
- Pre-Natal Care: Now this is the important part as well. Have regular check up with your gynecologist, obstetricians, cardiologists to ensure a stress free and healthy pre-natal care type. There could be specialised diets, specific exercise routine etc. People often get gestational diabetes and other problems during this time, hence propoer care is extremlly important for a healthy mother and healthy baby.
- Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity is is cardinal for everyone. Ensure a proper exercise routine si followed uner the guidance of a professionl,. Form and technique is important. Exercising can help maintain weight, manage stress and reduce the risk of any disease.