The incident was shared by Indian businessman, columnist and actor Suhel Seth in a video which is doing rounds on social media.Back in 2018, UK’s King Charles III who was known as Prince Charles then had organsied an event to facilitate industrialist Ratan Tata with a lifetime achievement award for his philanthropy work. The award ceremony, which was under the auspice of the British Asian Trust, was supposed to take place at the Buckingham Palace on February 6, 2018. Ratan Tata had earlier agreed to attend the event in person to receive the award, however, closer to the date he did not turn up for it. The reason: Ratan Tata’s dog was quite unwell and so he cancelled his travel plans to stay with his furry friend!
Recalling the incident, Suhel Seth shared in the video that he had reached London on February 2nd or 3rd, 2018, to for the event. But the moment he landed in London he was shocked to received 11 missed calls from Ratan Tata himself. When he called by Ratan Tata, the Tata chairman told him, “Tango and Tito, his dogs, one of them had fallen terribly ill. I can’t leave him and come.”
Despite Suhel Seth trying to convince Mr Tata to attend the event as it was with the UK Royal- Prince Charles, Ratan Tata did not change his mind and cancelled attending the ceremony for his own award!
Suhel Seth further shared in the video that when Prince Charles came to know about this, the UK Royal appreciated Mr Tata’s ideals and priorities. “That’s a man. That’s the man Ratan is. That’s why the house of Tata is what it is. That’s why it’s on stable course,” Seth recalled Prince Charles’ words.
Indeed, it shows Ratan Tata’s golden heart and unbound love for his furry friends. It is said that dogs are a man’s best friend and so it is apt that we too are there for our beloved pets in their time of need.
Ratan Tata is a dog lover and his love for animals is quite visible through his philanthropic works. More recently, Ratan Tata shared the news that Tata Trusts’ Small Animal Hospital in Mumbai’s Mahalaxmi will open in June 2024.
It is noted that his pet dog Tito died a couple of years ago.
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