Q: I have 2011 Acura MDX that was involved in a minor fender bender in March 2023. The car received some damage and has been in the (insurance recommended) repair shop since March 30. They fixed all parts in one week, but the driver side seat belt is on back order and we do not know when it will be in. Without that seat belt, the car has been held in the repair shop since it first went in.
My DMV registration is coming up in November. Smog certification is required. What can I do about the car registration if the car cannot be driven to the smog station without the driver side seat belt?
Tushar Patel
A: The DMV advised that If you do not have all the required documentation, such as a smog certification or proof of insurance, you should pay the fees on or before the vehicle registration expiration date to avoid penalties. You will receive a receipt showing what is needed to complete the application for registration. This receipt does not authorize operation of the vehicle, but avoids penalty fees.
Q: You published a letter by a Caltrain and bike rider who made a useful suggestion for how to load bikes and passengers more quickly. You replied, saying that the appearance of the letter in your column was raising awareness of the train-loading issue. I disagree. While many people read and appreciate your column, they don’t necessarily read it every day, nor retain the content for years later.
It would be better if this improved train-loading advice were seen every time someone used the Caltrain bike cars. The solution would involve Caltrain putting up signs on the outside and inside of the bike cars and having the conductors enforce/suggest the advice.
Steve Kelem, Los Altos Hills
A: And…