As per reports, in order to make an impressive comeback, Pant adopted a strict diet and exercise routine.“He adopted a calorie-deficit diet in late December. If his body demanded 1400 calories a day, he was given around 1000 calories. It was tough on him since he had to train very hard to gain match fitness and had to strengthen the muscles on his injured right leg,” as per a report.
He avoided having these foods
Pant had to give up on ras malai, a very popular sweet dish; biriyani, fried chicken, and sushi. With this diet restriction along with a dedicated fitness schedule, he was able to lose 16 kilos in 4 months.
So, how did he manage with his diet?
“Pant wanted flavour in his food. That’s why he moved into a rented house in Bengaluru while he was at the NCA, instead of a hotel. He preferred home-cooked food. He was allowed only 5 ml of extra virgin olive oil. He couldn’t give up his love for chilly chicken. So, a recipe was derived to make it with that much oil. Goan bhindi was one of his favorites,” reports have said.
Apart from this, his screen time was limited; he was not allowed to use gadgets after 11 pm and was also recommended to sleep for 8-9 hours a day.
Diet restriction and exercise are fundamental components of weight loss
Firstly, diet restriction involves consuming fewer calories than the body requires for maintenance, leading to a calorie deficit that promotes fat loss. This can be achieved through portion control, choosing nutrient-dense foods, and limiting intake of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods.
Exercise complements diet restriction by increasing energy expenditure, aiding in calorie deficit creation, and promoting fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass. It also offers numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased metabolism, and enhanced mood.
Combining diet restriction with regular exercise creates a synergistic effect, accelerating weight loss and improving overall fitness. Exercise helps prevent muscle loss during weight loss, ensuring that the majority of weight loss comes from fat stores rather than lean tissue.
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However, it’s essential to adopt a balanced approach that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods and incorporates enjoyable physical activities to sustain long-term weight management and promote overall health and well-being.