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The court has now sent the actor to police custody till May 1in connection with the case. While being taken in the custody by the police, Sahil told the media, “I have full faith in the Mumbai Police, law, and the truth will come out.”
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Recently, the police interrogated Khan regarding the Mahadev betting app, which allegedly facilitated illegal gambling on various games like poker, card games, badminton, tennis, football, and cricket.The crime branch is probing purported illicit transactions involving certain financial and real estate firms in the state and the promoters of the Mahadev betting application.
The FIR registered by the police in the case indicates that the size of the
scam is approximately Rs 15,000 crore.
Khan and 31 others are being investigated, and police are examining their bank accounts, mobile phones, laptops, and technical equipment.
Age-defying love: Sahil Khan, 47, confirms second wedding with 21-year-old model
Khan, recognized for his roles in films such as ‘Style‘ (2001) and ‘Xcuse Me’ (2003), has also established himself as a fitness expert. He runs a YouTube channel boasting over 2.8 million subscribers, where he shares his expertise and tips on fitness.