The video, which has gone viral on Reddit, features Asin Thottumkal, a judge at a beauty contest, asking Sobhita a thought-provoking question: “As an independent young woman, do you think state governments or colleges should have the authority to enforce dress codes? What’s your stance on this?” Sobhita responded with a confident smile, stating, “I don’t believe colleges or state governments should impose uniform restrictions.Such moral deficiencies can’t be fixed by enforcing arbitrary rules that restrict personal freedom.”
The footage, from the 2013 has led to a flurry of reactions online. Many viewers noted her dramatic physical transformation over the years, with some users expressing surprise at how different she looks. Comments ranged from disbelief about her changed appearance to speculation about possible cosmetic surgeries. One user remarked, “She looks so different now; it’s hard to recognize her,” while another noted, “I watched the whole video waiting for a glimpse of her, only to realize it had looped and started again.”
After Sobhita Dhulipala’s career took off as a model, her acting debut came in Anurag Kashyap’s thriller Raman Raghav 2.0 in 2016, but it was her role as Tara Khanna on Amazon Prime’s Made in Heaven that significantly boosted her fame. She has also expanded her career into Hollywood, appearing in the action thriller The Monkey Man alongside Dev Patel.
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Well, Shobhita surely looks different now and we are not surprised that netizens are questioning her remarkable transformation.What are your views about the same, let us know in the comment section below.