Summer time bloating can make ne really miserable. Here is how to you can ger instant relief from digestive woes amid rising temperature.

Feeling tight in the stomach? Feeling too full and the heat is just making it worse? You are not alone. Bloating is a feeling of feeling tight and full in the abdomen. This can be a result of gas or overeating or any other gastronomical woe. It also makes the stomach appear slightly bigger and sometimes can be painful as well. This uneasiness may worsen with rise in temperature. The hot weather can lead to the formation of bad bacteria in our gut further resulting in digestive issues. Here are a few natural ways to get instant relief from gas and bloating.
Ginger: This is an age-old ingredient that has been in use for both savoury and medicinal purposes. It is one of the best and most effective home remedy that is used to treat several issues and bloating is one of them. Ginger facilitates smoother digestion, has a cooling effect and improves gut health. Try ginger-infused water or tea to have a refreshing sip and to also get bloating relief.
Chew Your Foods Properly: This is one of the most important practises to inculcate. Irrespective of bloating issues, one should always chew their food properly so that even big chunks are broken down and converted into energy. It helps with better digestion and better nutrient absorption as well. When the stomach produces more acid and enzymes to break it down, it will help with bloating and digestive issues.
Peppermint Tea: This herb helps to reduce irritable bowel syndrome and gas. It is one of the most effective ways to get rid of bloating. It has a high concentration of flavonoids that work against the bacteria in the digestive tract reducing the bloating effect. This refreshing tea will make one feel refreshed and lower inflammation as well.
Fennel Seed Water or Saunf ka Paani: Fennel or saung is another age-old home remedy that has a soothing effect on the digestive tract. It will boost metabolism and help with bowel movements as well.
Yoga: Practising vajrasana, child pose, and forward bending are a few yoga asanas that put pressure on the abdomen region. It strengthens the core and can help in getting instant relief from bloating and gas. Incorporate these poses twice in between the day.
Apart from these effective and easy-to-adapt lifestyle tips, proper dietary practises and choices of what we are eating and when can also impact digestive health. One must be extra mindful for in summer season to lower chances of gas, constipation, bloating or any other digestive issues.