Recently, the Tamil Nadu police took action when a youth, captured in a viral video, was seen riding recklessly with a uniquely modified helmet.This individual, identified as S Sujith from Malayan Street in Tenkashi, adorned his helmet with fur-like material and rabbit-like ears, a peculiar trend gaining popularity among young riders.
These riders share videos on their social media handles showcasing their riding skills or speed, some going to the extent of modifying their bikes to provoke reactions from fellow road users. However, Sujith opted for a different approach, drawing attention not to his bike modifications but to the distinctive helmet cover.
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The Courtallam police received public complaints about the reckless riding displayed in the viral video, with concerns raised about the modified helmet being highly distracting to other road users. The rider’s actions were deemed a potential threat to both his life and the lives of fellow road users.
Upon receiving the complaint, a senior police official instructed the Courtallam police to take swift action. Analysis of CCTV footage led to the identification of S Sujith, who was subsequently fined Rs 10,000 for reckless riding and for using the unconventional helmet. Additionally, his bike was seized as a deterrent.
These incidents are common nowadays, driven by a desire for online attention, perform dangerous stunts on public roads. Social media influencers have been observed engaging in risky behaviours, such as sitting on moving cars’ roofs or bonnets. In all instances, law enforcement has responded by imposing substantial fines.