To help users discover content that aligns with their interests, Telegram now suggests similar channels when they join a channel. These suggestions are based on similarities in subscriber bases, ensuring that users are presented with channels that are relevant to their preferences.
Repost Stories
Users can now repost stories from friends and channels, adding their own text, emojis, and drawings to personalise the shared content. This feature adds a layer of engagement and interaction within the Stories ecosystem.
Video Messages in Stories
Similar to TikTok’s Duet feature, Telegram now allows users to record and add video messages to reposted stories. This feature encourages creativity and adds a dynamic element to story sharing.
Custom Profile Colours and Wallpapers
Premium subscribers can now customise their profile colours and wallpapers for both individuals and groups. This feature allows users to express their individuality and enhance the visual appeal of their profiles.
Custom Reactions for Channels
Channel administrators can now select a set of customised emojis for their channel’s reactions. This feature provides a more personalised and engaging way for subscribers to interact with channel content.
Voice-to-text functionality is now available to all users, previously exclusive to Premium subscribers. This feature improves accessibility and convenience for users who prefer or need to communicate via voice messages.
Story Stats for Channels
Channel administrators can now access detailed statistics for their stories, including views, reactions, and forwards. This data provides valuable insights into audience engagement and content performance.