What is Sheetali Pranayama?
Sheetali Pranayama, also known as Cooling Breath, is a simple yet powerful breathing technique that helps cool the body, mind, and emotions. Originating from the Sanskrit word “sheet,” meaning cold, Sheetali Pranayama has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body.
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How does it work?
When you practice Sheetali Pranayama, you activate a natural evaporative cooling mechanism in the body. This helps dissipate excess heat, leaving you feeling cool and refreshed. Sheetali Pranayama also kindles the digestive fire, promoting optimal digestion—a win-win for your body!
Benefits of Sheetali Pranayama
– Balances excess pitta dosha
– Cools the body and clears excess heat
– Improves digestion and reduces acidity
– Soothes inflammatory skin conditions
– Calms inflammation throughout the body
– Promotes mental tranquillity and reduces stress
– Enhances the flow of prana (life force energy) in the body
– Boosts immunity and reduces fever
– Alleviates colicky pain and reduces blood pressure
How to Practice Sheetali Pranayama
1. Preparation: Find a comfortable sitting position and relax your entire body.
2. Breathing technique:
– If you can roll your tongue (Sheetali): Stick your tongue out and roll the sides upward to form a tube. Inhale slowly through the curled tongue.
– If you can’t roll your tongue (Sheetkari): Flatten your tongue and gently catch it between your teeth, allowing the breath to pass over the sides of the tongue and through the corners of the mouth.
3. Inhalation: Inhale deeply, filling your belly, ribs, and chest with cool air.
4. Retention: Hold your breath for a few moments at the top of the inhale, without any strain.
5. Exhalation: Slowly exhale through the nostrils.
6. Repeat: Continue for 7 to 15 rounds, gradually increasing as you become more comfortable with the practice.
7. Closing: Take one long, relaxed breath in and out through the nostrils to close your practice.
Precautions and contraindications
– Avoid practising Sheetali Pranayama if you have low blood pressure, respiratory disorders, chronic constipation, or heart disease.
– If you’re in an area with heavy environmental pollution, it’s best to avoid this practice.
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