In the heart of Michigan, Lisa, known by her alias Ostdrossel, embarked on a journey of avian discovery. Her fascination with the diverse birdlife surrounding her newfound home sparked her passion for photography. In her quest to observe these feathered wonders without causing any disturbance, she devised an ingenious solution: a bird-friendly photo booth nestled in the tranquility of her backyard.
Behold a menagerie of avian marvels, from the whimsical antics of doves to the regal elegance of blue jays, and the delightful surprises brought by unexpected visitors. Each image offers a window into the captivating world of birds flourishing in her local domain. Take a moment to immerse yourself in the splendor of these enchanting photographs below!
Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can check Lisa’s Instagram for more amazing work.
You can find Ostdrossel on the web:
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