TVS SCS’ public issue includes fresh equity shares worth Rs 600 crore and an offer for the sale of 14,213,198 equity shares. The price range for the issue is set at Rs 187 to Rs 197 per equity share, with the issue closing on Monday.
After consultation with the BRLMs, the company conducted a pre-IPO placement on July 27, selling 8,486,970 equity shares worth Rs 150 crore to various investors, including SBI Life Insurance. If the issue is priced at the upper end of the range, it will raise approximately Rs 880 crore.
Several domestic brokerage houses have recommended subscribing to the offer with a long-term investment horizon. This marks the first offer from TVS Group in over two decades. TVS Supply Chain is one of India’s largest and rapidly growing integrated supply chain solution providers based on revenues in FY23.
The company operates in integrated supply chain solutions (ISCS) and network solutions (NS), with a well-established cross-deployment network throughout the value chain.