What is Morning Anxiety? 4 Signs Your Anxiety Gets Worse in The Morning
Morning Anxiety: Any time during the day can experience anxiety, and those times can be the worst. The mornings, though, are when anxiousness for some people tends to particularly manifest itself.
What is Morning Anxiety? 4 Signs Your Anxiety Gets Worse in The Morning
Morning anxiety simply means feeling anxious or overly stressed when you wake up. There is a big difference between having morning anxiety and not looking forward to going to work. Anyone who has to give a presentation or get a performance assessment dreads it. Many things that might possibly contribute to an anxiety condition can induce morning anxiety. There are a number of possible causes that could be a factor in your symptoms, as morning anxiety is a response to excessive stress and worry. Life coach and psychotherapist Dr. Chandni Tugnait reveals four signs of morning anxiety. The relationship expert also shares tips to overcome it.
Early in the day, higher levels of anxiety can also be attributed to what you eat and drink before you get out of bed. Sugar and caffeine can exacerbate feelings of anxiety. However, low blood sugar brought on by a lack of food might exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Waking up with a sense of dread or fear: Instead of feeling refreshed and ready to start the day, you may feel anxious or worried as soon as you open your eyes. Physical symptoms upon walking: You may experience a racing heart, shortness of breath, sweating muscle tension, or stomach discomfort immediately upon waking. These physical sensations can be distressing and may contribute to feelings of anxiety. Difficult getting out of bed or starting the day: Morning anxiety can make it challenging to get out of bed and begin your day. You may feel a strong urge to stay in bed, avoid facing the day ahead, or engage in excessive worrying or rumination. Irrational thoughts or excessive worry in the morning: Having irrational thoughts or excessive worry early in the day is one of the signs. Your mind may be flooded with negative thoughts, catastrophic thinking, or an overwhelming sense of what could go wrong.
Did you know that the supermodel Bella Hadid admitted that she experiences morning anxiety? When you have an anxiety problem, worrying seems to never end. However, it doesn’t have to rule your life. With the appropriate care, you might discover coping mechanisms for your problems. Dr. Chandni took to her Instagram caption to share coping methods for morning anxiety. The caption read, “Rise above the challenges of morning anxiety and embrace a calm beginning to your day. Recognize the signs, listen to your body, and take small steps towards regaining control” “Let go of irrational thoughts and excessive worry, grounding yourself in the present moment. With support and self-care, you can transform your mornings into a time of renewal and strength. Conquer the anxiety, and greet each day with peace and tranquillity,” she concluded.
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