If you follow all the steps given here to for IRCTC Tatkal Ticket Booking, chances of your confirm berth will increase.

Tatkal Ticket Booking Timings: Many people who book their tickets in Tatkal and wait for the confirmation. The waiting period sometimes doesn’t end till the last moment, due to which you can’t confirm the traveling plans. Also incase of an emergency, it better to confirm the Tatkal ticket in order to avoid last minutes rush to find other mode of transport.
The website of the IRCTC hang due to heavy traffic. Many people wonder, what’s the best time to log in to book a Tatkal ticket? There is one best strategies for book Tatkal tickets on IRCTC, If you log in on the ideal login time and avoid common mistakes and prepare a master list, chances of your Tatkal ticket booking confirmation will increase.
Tatkal Ticket Booking Guide
For Tatkal booking IRCTC site has a fixed schedule. For AC classes, the booking opens at 10:00 AM, while for Sleeper classes, it starts at 11:00 AM every day. Everyone needs to do a proper planning to book Tatkal tickets.
Ideal Login Time
To maximize your chances of successfully booking a tatkal ticket, you should log in 3-5 minutes before the scheduled booking time. It gives you a buffer & save your logged in time which usually you do after the scheduled time. You will be ready prior to the booking window opens without the risk of getting timed out.
Common Mistake To Avoid
A common mistake which is done by many people is that they log in 10-15 minutes before the booking time. It increases the chances of session expiring or auto logout. Then till the point you again login on the Tatkal window sight might have either hanged due to huge traffic or may face slowness issue which may delay in you confirm tatkal booking.
Logging in just 1-2 minutes before the booking time is risky. The heavy traffic during this time could cause the site to lag or your login to fail.
Prepare Master List
You can also create a master list on the IRCTC site before booking. This allows you to save passenger details in advance and reduce your timings to fill in all the details after you login.
If you are ready with all the details as mentioned above and follow all the steps given, chances of your Tatkal ticket booking confirmation will increase.