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At a special event celebrating the film’s success, Vidhu Vinod Chopra engaged in a conversation with Vikrant, who inquired about his reflections on the movie 100 days after its release. The filmmaker shared that a hundred days ago, the film had its first show on the same screen. Discussing the significance of numbers, such as Rs 100 cr, Rs 500 cr, Rs 1,000 cr, and Rs 2,000 cr, Chopra emphasized that, to him, it all comes down to one thing – the intention behind making the film. He stressed the importance of making an honest film, which, regardless of the numbers, can resonate with the audience. Chopra also mentioned that, while making the film, many, including his wife, film critic Anupama Chopra, suggested releasing it on OTT.
Chopra mentioned that his wife expressed reservations about the film, suggesting that nobody would be interested in watching a movie by him and Vikrant. She hinted at his perceived disconnection from the current movie scene. In addition, trade agencies’ predictions were discouraging, anticipating a meager opening and a lifetime business of only Rs 30 lakhs. The collective skepticism from various sources created a challenging and apprehensive environment for the filmmaker.
’12th Fail’: Vikrant Massey, Vidhu Vinod Chopra, and other actors celebrate film’s success with IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma
Vidhu Vinod Chopra, speaking to a crowded audience of film students and media, revealed that he proceeded with ’12th Fail’ because he had a strong belief in the film. He personally invested his own money into producing, marketing, and releasing the movie.
’12th Fail’ became the unexpected hit of 2023, raking in Rs 67 crore worldwide. This achievement is noteworthy in an era dominated by high-budget action films. The movie garnered widespread critical acclaim, with particular praise for Vikrant Massey‘s outstanding performance.